A Soda Lover’s Guide To The Best Soda Alternatives

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As a self proclaimed soda lover I can honeslty say that there are now soda alternatives that come pretty close to the real deal. We all know that soda isn’t a healthy beverage but that doesn’t mean it is wrong if you love it.

It tastes good, it’s nostalgic and the combination of sugar and hydration is really soothing.

Any ways, we all know the facts. And there is plenty of evidence to support that cutting back on sugar can help us to live healthier lives.

So to curb my soda cravings I have discovered some great alternatives to the beloved soda, pop, soft drinks, cola or whatever you prefer to call it.

Hopefully, by the end of this list you will have lots of ideas of soda swaps you can explore and fall in love with! 

Disclaimer. I am not a doctor. If you are worried about your health, be sure to check with a medical professional. 

This post is all about the best soda alternatives.

grapefruit juice as a swap for soda

What are some of the cons of drinking soda? 

I am not a doctor but I think at this point we all know soda is not the best for us. It tastes good in the moment but what about the long term effects? 

Here are a few negative ways soda can effect our health: 

  • High sugar content which can lead to weight gain
  • A soda habit can be expensive 
  • Lots of high fructose corn syrup 
  • Tooth decay 
  • It doesn’t contain essential nutrients 
  • Artificial sweeteners found in diet soda 

If you want to learn more about how soda is bad for your health you can learn more here from a medically reviewed site.

Pros of skipping sugary sodas:

  • There are tons of delicious alternatives you may love more than soda
  • Some of these drinks have the added benefit of prebiotics
  • Less caffeine can sometimes help you to sleep better
  • Making this healthy option can be like a snowball effect to a healthier lifestyle and other healthy swaps

The Best Soda Alternatives

1. Sparkling water or seltzer water

sparkling water also called carbonated water

If you are already annoyed, I get it, I am mad at myself for even including it on the list. Bubbly water is in no comparison the same as soda.

But hear me out.

On a hot day opening the fridge and popping open a lemon sparkling water is beyond refreshing. You get the fizz, the subtle flavor and get to hear the pop of a can. No caffeine included so you sleep well that night.

It is not the same but it is better than water and for soda drinkers that like soda solely for the carbonation it is a good option. 

Here are some great carbonated water brands to check out:

2. Homemade or store-bought Kombucha

kombucha which is carbonated like soda but is a fermented tea

Ok so this is where the flavor comes in. It is carbonated, still has sugar (not nearly as much as coke) and it’s claim to fame is supporting gut health.

I find that if I can catch my soda craving early enough Kombucha can really curb it. There are tons of flavors to choose from and I have found that some brands are more fizzy than others.

For some, it takes a while to get used to the flavor and it is definitely more pricey than soda but it is yummy. 

3. Zevia Sugar Free Soda

Out of all the soda swaps I think this is the one that is the most similar to a traditional soda.

It is basically fake soda; no sugar, less chemicals, carbonated and comes with caffeine or sans.

I am not going to lie to you and say it tastes identical to soda but it is pretty freaking close.

Zevia Flavors to choose from:

  • Cola
  • Mountain Zevia
  • Grape
  • Strawberry
  • Grapefruit Citrus
  • Black Cherry
  • Gingle Ale
  • Cream soda
  • Ginger root beer
  • Cherry cola
  • Vanilla cola
  • and more!

4. Prebiotic soda Olipop & Poppi

Poppi, a healthy soda with less sugar and prebiotics

Olipop and Poppi’s claim to fame is that they are a healthy soda with prebiotic benefits! 

Honeslty, aside from Zevia I think these are the best alternatives to soda that really tastes like soda. You don’t have to trick your tastebuds much with these! 

They both have SO many unique flavors to choose from so if you really love specific soda flavors I can pretty much guarantee you can find a swap with Olipop or Poppi. 

They both have less than 5grams of sugar and are under 50 calories per can. Pretty impressive for a soda swap! 

Olipop flavors you can choose from: 

  • Classic root beer
  • Vintage cola
  • Cream soda
  • Classic grape
  • Ginger Ale
  • Orange Squeeze 
  • Chery cola
  • Lemon Lime
  • Watermelon Lime
  • Cherry Vanilla 
  • Ginger lemon 
  • Doctor Goodwin
  • Tropical punch 
  • They also have limited additional flavors sometimes! 

Poppi flavors you can choose from:

  • Raspberry rose
  • Strawberry lemon
  • Cherry Limeade
  • Orange
  • Ginger
  • Watermelon
  • Grape
  • Doc Pop 
  • Classic Cola 
  • Root beer 

5. Spindrift

Spindrift a sparkling water which is a healthy soda swap

If you like the idea of sparkling water but you want the intensity in flavor that a soda brings then you need to check out Spindrift

Spindrift uses real squeezed fruit to flavor their drink rather than artificial flavoring. 

Why we love spindrift: 

  • No sugar added (only sugar from the fruit) 
  • No caffeine (in most of their drinks)
  • Non-GMO, Kosher, Gluten free 

6. Mocktails

fresh juices as an alternative to soda

Mocktails have always been around but it feels like within the past year or so they have gotten really popular! 

Mocktails are a great alternative to soda because you can make them carbonated with tons of fun flavors. It is also a great creative outlet to spend some time mixing up different flavors to find the blend that works best for your taste buds. 

Find something sweet, something sour and a pretty garnish and you’re good to go! 

The Best Healthy Soda Alternatives

a green juice which can be an alternative to soda

If you don’t have to have carbonation to make your switch from drinking soda to a soda free lifestyle then these swaps will be amazing for you.

Sometimes we want something a little more tasty than water but not super sugary. Try out some of these cold drinks below when you want to stay hydrated. 

  • Iced tea (green tea, black tea with lemon, peppermint tea)
  • Fresh pressed fruit juice and smoothies 
  • Coconut water
  • Iced matcha
  • Yerba Mate
  • Fruit infused water

How To Stop Drinking Soda

Quitting soda can be SO hard so I give you lots of props for even considering healthier alternatives to soda or lessening your soda intake. 

Although there are lots of cons to soda it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can use this list of alternatives to slowly incorporate other healthy soda swaps over time. You may notice you start to naturally crave it less. 

If you really want soda out of your life for good you can always try cutting it cold turkey.

Depending on how much soda you are currently drinking this could be really challenging mental health-wise to drop it completely. You may also suffer from headaches since soda has caffeine in it and your body won’t be used to not having it. Lastly, you may feel more tired as your body adjusts to less sugar and caffeine. 

If you are struggling with your mental health or physical health be sure to talk with your doctor or other medical professionals. You don’t have to get healthy by yourself!

sparkling water, poppi and spindrift which are great soda alternatives

So there ya have it. Changing habits is not easy but I hope this list helps you to start finding healthier alternatives to soda.

Although soda has literally no nutritional value it is a yummy dessert and everything is great in moderation.

Go easy on yourself as you find ways to live a more balanced lifestyle with healthy alternatives!

Have you tried any of these soda alternatives? Did we miss any other yummy soda swaps? Let us know in the comments below! 

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter if you would like sustainability and wellness tips sent directly to your inbox! 

Stay well, 


This post was all about the best soda alternatives to traditional sodas.

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