23 Beginner-Friendly Terrace Gardening Ideas For Your Cozy Apartment

Bring nature close to home with these beginner-friendly terrace gardening ideas! We will cover creative ways to bring in a bit more greenery as decor and make your outdoor space feel like an extension to your home. 

There are so many different terrace garden designs to choose from whether you want to grow your own food, have flower beds as the focal point or just create a cozy place to relax in. 

 The best part is that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to do this. You will walk away with plenty of budget friendly inspiration for your unique terrace space!

General small terrace garden design ideas

Designing small spaces can take a bit of creativity. It can be overwhelming but try to keep these elements in mind as you browse through this list. 

  • Include a variety of plants. This will give your garden layout a unique look. 
  • Take note of the amount of sun/shade you get on your patio
  • How much time do you have for the upkeep of the garden? This will impact the terrace design you choose. 
  • Brainstorm ways to make it cozy and not just a place to garden but to relax in. (suggestions on this at the bottom of the post!) 
  • Choose a theme (boho, minimalist, coastal, rustic, farmhouse etc.) 
  • Make the space unique to your needs (hang out spot for your pet, hosting, painting, napping etc.) 

This post is all about the best terrace gardening ideas.

potted plants on apartment balcony garden

The Best Easy Terrace Gardening Ideas.

1. Make the most of your small patio space with vertical gardens and plant walls 

Your patio has limited floor space so use the walls to do your gardening. This will take a bit of creativity. 

A great place to start is with a plant wall. All you need to do is drill wireframes into the wall and attach light container plants to them.

Or you can go with a more rustic theme and use recycled pallets to hold your plants vertically. 

Ferns are a great plant for this project as their bushy leaves will pop off the wall, making your space look very lush. 

vertical garden plant wall

2. Peg board for small plant pots and air plants 

An alternative to the idea above is using a peg board to suspend your plants off the wall. 

These are great because you can also add shelves to add other porch decor to your space. 

3. Hydroponic gardening

Forget soil and opt for hydroponic gardening for your porch. Hydroponic gardening is the use of water and added nutrients to grow plants. 

There are many cool ways you can implement a small hydroponic system in your rooftop garden. You can easily upcycle PVC pipes for your hydroponic garden to bring in an industrial feel to your patio garden design. 

{RECOMMENDED POST: 20 Best Plants For Hydroponics Beginner Gardeners}

4. Create a dedicated section of your apartment patio for an herb garden 

No need to run to the grocery store when you have fresh herbs right on your back patio! You can use small pots to organize them or a larger bed and plant labels. 

Here are some great herbs to start patio gardening with: 

  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Basil
  • Cilantro 
  • Thyme 

5. Hanging plants if you have limited space

flower garden boxes on terrace

If you want that dreamy romantic vibe to your patio garden, consider adding in a few hanging plants. This really helps to make the space feel more balanced. 

In the post below we cover how to hang patio plants for beginners! 

{RECOMMENDED POST: 7 Best Hanging Plants For Your Shaded Porch To Create A Charming Oasis}

6. Climbing vines

Give your space a jungle feel with light climbing vines. It is so fun to watch these grow as time goes on. You will always have a surprise waiting for you on your porch! 

Pothos are the ultimate houseplant because they are easy to care for and grow wild with climbing vines. 

7. Thrifted fake plants

If you want that lush garden look on your apartment patio but are already feeling overwhelmed by this list, consider fake plants.

Generally, these are made from plastic which is not great but if you can find some from the thrift store you are keeping them from going to the landfill! 

8. Container gardening

container plant and container flowers

If you want a bit of flexibility, choose your favorite plant containers and garden in those! 

Bring in some variety by choosing different shapes, sizes, and colors depending on the plant you are pairing it with. You can plant anything from flowers to vegetables in containers. 

9. Raised garden beds to grow your own food 

If you really love gardening then you may as well install some raised garden beds. You can truly grow so much food in just a small raised garden bed. 

Raised garden beds are perfect for patios because you can store your garden tools underneath them which maximizes space on your terrace. 

Food to grow in raised garden beds on your patio for beginners: 

  • Tomatoes
  • Strawberries 
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach 
  • Chili peppers 
  • Herbs 
  • Flowers

Choose things you will actually eat and be excited to care for! 

10. Grow fruit trees in pots

Add in some mini fruit trees (commonly called dwarf trees) so that you can have fresh fruit right on your balcony! Small trees grow really well in their own container and offer a touch of shade. 

Fruit trees for your rooftop garden or patio: 

  • Limes
  • Lemons
  • Figs
  • Cherries  
  • Blueberry bush 

11. Start a low-maintenance succulent garden

small plants for small garden porch

If you are short on free time for gardening then succulents will be your best friends. 

These plants are hardy and don’t need a lot of watering. Aka if you forget about them for a bit they will be ok. 

Succulents come in all shapes and sizes. These cuties look great as a centerpiece on an ottoman or on a side table. 

12. Add in a mini Pergola with climbing plants

Even if your patio or terrace has a roof, you can install a pergola to give it a more homey feel. 

Then you can drape climbing plants on it or even wispy fabric. This will provide extra shade and you can relax under your green canopy with some plants offering a bit of light natural fragrance. 

Climbing plants for your apartment patio’s pergola: 

  • Bougainvillea
  • Jasmine 
  • Trumpet Vine
  • Wisteria 
  • Passionflower
  • Climbing roses
  • Honeysuckle 
  • Clematis
  • Grape vine 

13. Flower boxes on your patio railing

Add a pop of color to your space with window box flowers. 

These are super easy to install and will make your terrace apartment look a bit more alive. 

If you have a sunny porch here are some flowers to start with: 

  • Celosia
  • Coneflower
  • Lantanas
  • Geranium

{RECOMMENDED POST: 7 Lush Full Sun Plants For Front Porch Hanging Baskets, Containers And Window Boxes}

14. Get creative with upcycling containers as plant pots

If you love a good DIY project then get creative with items around your home to create pots for plants on your apartment terrace. 

Plastic containers, tubs, candle vessels, terracotta pots, tin cans and more can all be converted into unique DIY planters. 

15. Create a section of your terrace for seed-starting

You don’t have to start your patio garden with mature plants from the store.

You can simply pick up a packet of seeds and use an old egg carton or used coffee cups to create little seed starters. Next thing you know you will have a flourishing garden right outside your window. 

16. Compost on your apartment terrace

Make your patio garden full circle by starting an apartment compost bin. That way you can take clippings from your dead plants or food waste from your kitchen to create your own compost or compost tea. 

I love bokashi because it is easy to maintain and doesn’t smell!

{RECOMMENDED POST: How To Compost In Your Dorm Room (Simple Tips!)}

17. Use plant propagation as decor on side tables

Thrift some beautiful glass vases and set up a section to propagate your plants to expand your garden.

Or you can pick up a propagation kit and stand for a beautiful premade propagation stand that is useful and is patio decor. 

18. Opt for fabric grow bags rather than container pots for plants

If you want an inexpensive option that is lightweight and can be easily moved around, choose fabric grow bags. 

These are perfect because they offer that natural cozy feel to your space and are way less expensive than stone or ceramic pots. 

19. Trellis structures as a renter-friendly option

If you aren’t able to drill into your walls, consider picking up some trellis structures to bring in some climbing greenery. 

You can simply lean the trellis up against the wall for the same effect as a plant wall. 

20. A water feature to tap into all of your senses

Incorporate a simple water feature on your apartment terrace to bring in the calming sounds of water. Surrounding birds and insects will be grateful for this water source as well! 

Water features for your terrace garden:

  • Small fountain 
  • Small pond with lily pads 
  • Birdbath
  • Watering can, small bucket as a rainwater catchment system to water indoor plants 

21. Use a ladder shelving unit to display plants

Another great alternative to drilling into your walls is using a shelf to hold small plants. 

It takes up vertical space rather than floor space to make your patio feel taller. 

22. Garden towers to grow plenty of food on your patio

Garden towers have gotten super popular recently. They make hydroponic gardening super easy and convenient. 

You can have tons of fresh greens right on your terrace. 

23. Repurpose a shoe organizer to hold plants 

Ok hear me out. This could be really cute. Shoe organizers have the perfect sized pockets for small plants.

If you want a unique, natural look then this eclectic hanging plant container could be for you! 

Budget-friendly terrace gardening tips

small balcony planter with snake plants and aloe vera

So how do you decorate your outdoor area but on a budget? Most of the tips above are relatively budget friendly but here are a few more ways you can cut costs as you create a beautiful terrace garden. 

Prioritize community plant swaps

Rather than going out and buying new plants, you can swap the ones you have propagated or have too many of with friends. Some gardening groups also host plant swaps. This can bring a bit of variety to your garden patio. 

Make your own fertilizers

You can make you own compost at home using food scraps rather than buying fertilizer at the store. Coffee grounds, banana peels and egg shells make great fertilizer. 

Prioritize second hand materials 

There are many ways to upcycle and use reclaimed wood while designing your dream terrace garden and patio. It may just take a little creativity and time. Thrift stores, buy nothing groups, flea markets and yard sales are great places to find affordable porch decor. 

Choose natural materials when buying new items 

cozy balcony garden

Although plastic is cheaper and can be useful, try to invest in items that are durable. If you buy something new for your roof garden, try to ensure it is made out of materials that last and you won’t have to constantly replace. 

Use rainwater to water your patio plants 

There’s no need to make a dent in your water bill. May as well catch some rain water and use that if you have a covered terrace and your plants don’t naturally get rain water. 

There are tons of different ways to cut costs when designing a terrace apartment that also end up being eco friendly. 

Let’s cover some finishing touches to make your balcony garden feel extra cozy and inviting. These are not necessary for your terrace space but if you have the available space you may as well make it multipurpose. 

How to Make Your Terrace Garden Feel Cozy 

cozy seating for apartment terrace garden

If you design it right, your terrace garden can feel like an extra living room in your home. Here are some of the easiest ways to bring a little extra comfort to your green haven:

  1. Depending on the amount of sunlight your patio gets you may want to get something to create shade like an umbrella or other porch covering. 
  2. Outdoor lights like string lights, solar powered lights, candles, fairy lights etc. 
  3. Outdoor blankets and pillows
  4. Outdoor rug 
  5. Dining area to host or enjoy your own company with your plants (: 
  6. Wind chimes
  7. Small water feature
  8. Add extra privacy if needed (Tall plants and bamboo screens are great for this!)
  9. Seating area with variety: rocking chair, benches, ottoman, lounge chair etc. 

Have any other creative ideas for balcony gardening ideas? Let us know in the comments below! I’m sure others in the community would love to learn from you as well!

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Stay well, 


This post was all about the best small terrace garden ideas. 

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vertical garden, bar cart garden, container potted garden, and bougainvillea to represent small balcony gardens in apartment

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