8 Mindfulness Gratitude Quotes To Help You Feel at Ease

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I am so excited to share with you all of these amazing mindfulness gratitude quotes that you can add to your yoga practice, spiritual practice, or mindfulness practice. 

Inspiring quotes are an amazing way to remind ourselves of the knowledge we gain from our favorite books or spiritual teachers. I love collecting different quotes that inspire me to hang up on my vision board or share during yoga classes. 

This post will also cover the importance of mindfulness and gratitude and how to continue practicing these concepts throughout your life. I hope this list of quotes inspires you on your path to holding more gratitude in your heart and living mindfully. 

This post is all about the best mindfulness gratitude quotes.

a person writing in their gratitude journal

What are the benefits of practicing mindfulness?

Mindfulness is essentially the practice of tapping into the present moment and allowing your mind to reside there. 

You’re not grasping onto the past or focused on what’s to come in the future, just appreciating what is happening in the here and now which is a gift. 

Increasing your awareness and being mindful naturally unfolds into gratitude and abundance. 

What are the benefits of a gratitude practice?

Gratitude begins with awareness and presence for all the good things in your reality rather than what you are lacking. 

Take note of the gifts and blessings you currently have either big or small. The more we focus on gratitude the more at ease we will feel in our lives. 

A grateful heart and grateful mindset opens the door to even more abundance. 

The Best Mindfulness Gratitude Quotes To Gain Inner Peace

1. “This is a wonderful day. I have never seen this one before.” Maya Angelou

new day quote in front of sunrise

2. “Breathe. Let go. Remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” Oprah Winfrey

quote about being present in front of leaves

3. “Gratitude opens the door to…the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude.” Deepak Chopra

Gratitude quote on top of bright green leaves

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4. “If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, that will be enough.” Meister Eckhart

gratitude quote on bright background

5. Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness quote in front of Hawaiian leaves

6. “If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too.”  Ivan Nuru

peaceful quote in front of forest background

7. “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”  Lao Tzu

nature mindfullness quote in front of jungle

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  1. “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”  Buddha 
quote about peace in front of beach

What are some ways to incorporate these gratitude mindfulness quotes in your daily life?

It is one thing to see pretty quotes on Pinterest and save them to your boards and another to really take them to heart and live them out. 

Truthfully, it can be a lifelong journey.  

We wanted to share a few ways you can strengthen your mindfulness and gratitude muscles. Just like you work out your body and build physical strength, you need to work out your brain to be able to be mentally strong enough to be mindful, of the present moment and grateful for all that is present in your life. 

Here are a few mindfulness activities you can try and add to your everyday life: 

  • Yoga
  • Tai chi 
  • Breathwork 
  • Morning pages
  • Gratitude journal
  • Mindful gardening
  • Art, coloring pages, etc.
  • Music therapy
  • Talk therapy 
  • Mindfulness Meditation

These practices provide a safe place to work on the concepts of mindfulness and gratitude and can be a powerful tool. 

I can pretty much guarantee that life will always give you plenty of opportunities where tapping into the present moment will be needed to get through it. 

The more you commit to practicing these concepts, the better you will be able to handle the difficult times that life puts you in a place where mindfulness and gratitude are paramount. 

What authors and spiritual teachers can you learn about gratitude and mindfulness from?

There are many authors, spiritual teachers, and religious leaders who teach about mindfulness and gratitude. 

If you want to further your knowledge on these topics we will list a few great people to check out and some of their work. Of course, these are personal preferences when it comes to teachers so it is important to find someone you connect with and who speaks to you. 

Many of these teachers have free information on YouTube or on their websites but I also linked some of my favorite books from them (If you can’t find their work at your local library). 

Also, it is important to note that a “spiritual teacher’ can really be anyone. Who gets to say that your neighbor or the kid you babysit isn’t also in a way a spiritual teacher? 

Keep your mind and heart open to guidance from those who may not have the largest platform. 

Most of all, keep learning to tune into your intuition to be your greatest teacher. You may be surprised at how much you know as long as you quiet your mind long enough to listen.

What are some of your favorite mindfulness and gratitude inspirational quotes? Let us know in the comments below! It’s always nice to hear other quotes to add to my collection of favorites.

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Stay well, 


This post was all about the the best mindfulness gratitude quotes.

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a flower, candle, and stones for a meditation practice

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