5 Top Tips To Sustainably Celebrate Fall

A horse looks over a fence. There are fall leaves in the background.

I don’t have a traditional fall season where I live. There are no leaves changing colors and not an apple orchard in sight. So naturally, I have to reimagine fall in Hawaii compared to how it was in Virginia. 

I also think it is important to reimagine some fall traditions for the wellness of the planet. Giving out candy wrapped in plastic and getting a new Halloween costume every year and then throwing it out is not so kind to the planet. 

We can still enjoy the fall season and hold on to some of our favorite traditions while also being mindful of its effect on the environment. 

The Best Tips For An Eco Friendly Fall Season

1. Try out a vegan fall themed drink 

Homemade vegan pecan pumpkin pie and pumpkin spiced latte

Instead of getting your usual pumpkin spiced latte from your favorite coffee shop, give the vegan version a try!

Even if you have no plans to be 100% vegan, adding small vegan substitutes in your life can make a big impact on your health and the environment. You might be surprised at how similar it tastes.

If you would rather make your fall treat at home, Starbucks just came out with a Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte Creamer! I have yet to try it but it is probably a more affordable option than getting one out.

2. Connect with the change in seasons 

Find ways to connect with nature and witness the change of seasons as the air starts to get cooler.

 In our modern world, we are constantly stuck indoors and don’t necessarily need to focus on the seasons changing for our survival. The grocery store will magically have a variety of produce at any time anyways. In order to stay grounded and connected, make time to experience the earth shifting into this new season. 

  1. Go apple picking
  2. Go on a hike
  3. The classic, jump in a pile of leaves 
  4. Bundle up and bike through your neighborhood 

3. Thrift your Halloween costume instead of buying one 

No judgment, but buying a new Halloween costume every year is not the most sustainable option. I love using Pinterest for inspiration and then looking through my wardrobe to see what I can create. Whatever I don’t have I look for at the thrift store!

If you do see a costume you MUST buy new, try to reuse it next year, or swap it with a friend for their costume from the following year.  

4. Decorate for fall naturally 

Succulents added to mini pumpkins for sale at a local shop

Instead of picking up plastic pumpkins and fake fall leaves, go the natural way! You can make your own fall wreath from dried plants you find in your area. Decorating with real pumpkins is always an option. Best of all, they can be eaten later instead of going to the landfill!

If you find plastic autumn decor that you love, try to reuse it every year rather than buy new items every year. 

Seasonal home decor is not a necessity but it is fun! With a little creativity, you can get festive without creating a lot of waste from disposable decorations. 

5. Research plant based recipes for fall celebrations and gatherings 

This was actually my first vegan Thanksgiving! There was meat served too but plenty of vegan options as well.

Turkey. Stuffing. Cranberry sauce. Year after year it can be repetitive. Why not mix it up with new side dishes that are plant-based or even do a full on vegan Thanksgiving! 

More and more people are eating a plant-based diet so I’m sure one of your vegetarian friends will be grateful you have options for them around the table too.

*I acknowledge and respect those that choose to not celebrate Thanksgiving. 

If you are looking for some vegan recipes you can find some here.

Just like the leaves changing colors, our fall traditions can too! We can find ways to enjoy the fall season in a more sustainable way. 

I hope this list helped you to reimagine your fall festivities or add a twist to your favorite traditions. 

How do you plan to welcome fall this year? I would love to hear in the comments below! 

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter if you want fall sustainability tips sent straight to your inbox! 

Stay well,
