Ultimate Guide to Your First Yoga Class (Everything You Need to Know To Feel Confident)

a woman doing her first yoga sequence for beginners

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Are you interested in yoga and curious what you should know before going to your first yoga class? 

This post has got you covered! As a yoga teacher and passionate yogi practitioner of over a decade, I will give you all the best tips so that you feel comfortable, confident and excited to start your yoga journey. 

This post is all about the best tips for your first yoga class.

props for beginner yoga which is yoga mats

The Best Tips For Your First Yoga Class 

1. Choose the right style for your first yoga class

I don’t want to overwhelm you but there are a lot of different types of yoga classes to choose from!

My recommendation for a beginner yoga class would be a Hatha yoga class or a vinyasa yoga class. Many studios will even have a class labeled as “beginner friendly”. 

If you are too intimidated to take your first class at a public studio or don’t want to spend money on something before you try it (totally get that!) I suggest trying yoga for free on youtube! There are tons of amazing teachers but I have to plug our free and beginner friendly yoga classes at Sustain Life Journal Yoga (:

2. What to wear to your first yoga class

a woman sitting in a yoga pose for beginners at the park on her yoga mat with other yogis

Truly, you can wear whatever you want to a yoga class! It isn’t a fashion show. The most important part is that you are comfortable, not only in your body but also mentally.

That being said, there is a reason that leggings (and other tight fitting clothing) are popular for yoga!

It helps your instructor to see how your body is moving and allows them to offer specific modifications based on your body’s movements.

Tighter fitting yoga clothes are nice because they stay in place when you are upside down, twisting and turning. It can help you to keep your attention on your body ad mind rather than adjusting your outfit. 

first yoga class for seniors

{RECOMMENDED POST: 5 Comfy Yoga Outfits to Try If You are Bored of Your Usual Yoga Leggings}

3. Learn about the history of yoga before your first yoga class

Yoga was created thousands of years ago in India as a spiritual practice. Present day yoga in America looks a bit different than the original intentions of yoga. Sometimes yoga is seen more as a fitness class that than a spiritual practice.

There is lots of debate on the morals of yoga in America. I think that if you are interested in starting a yoga practice it is important to inform yourself on the history of where it came from and the people that created it. It is also important to stay up to date on South Asian people’s thoughts and feelings of their sacred spiritual practice.

To be clear, in order to start your yoga journey, you don’t need to be an expert. As your physical practice develops, don’t forget to keep learning about the other aspects of the practice. 

Here are some helpful resources to learn more about the history of yoga before your first yoga classes: 

4. What to bring to your first yoga class

a woman carrying her yoga mat and water bottle to her first yoga class

If you decide to start your yoga journey at a yoga studio, what you will need to bring to your first class is a water bottle, comfortable clothes, yoga mat (or rent one from the yoga studio).

Yoga is generally practiced barefoot but if you are worried about slipping you can purchase grippy socks for more stability. The studio most likely has props for use (for free) but if you would like you can bring yoga blocks or yoga straps. 

If you are starting your yoga journey at home, all you really need is comfy clothes and space to practice that allows you to relax.

Many people choose to practice yoga indoors but it can also be incredibly relaxing to find a space outside to flow. If you do not have a yoga mat or want to wait to invest in one you can start your practice by using a towel or the carpet in your home. 

5. Do a little bit of research on basic yoga poses for beginners

In order to have the best experience try out a few beginner yoga poses before heading to class. Having an introduction to a few basic yoga poses and their benefits will help you to stay present in your first class since you will be starting with a basic understanding of the yoga asanas.

Here is a quick list of yoga poses for beginners:

  • Balasana (Child’s Pose)
  • Marjaryasana (Cat Pose)
  • Bitilasana (Cow Pose)
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
  • Uttanasana (Forward Fold)
  • Vrksasana (Tree Pose)
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
  • Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
  • Savasana (Corpse Pose)

{RECOMMENDED POST: The Best Yoga Poses For Beginners For Your Morning Routine}

6. Music, chanting, breath work etc. that you may not be used to

a woman using a sound bowl in a beginner yoga class

So I felt like it was important to add this section because you may be a little caught off guard at your first yoga class without a bit of a heads up. 

Many times we think of yoga as just moving our bodies in different shapes and breathing but there are other aspects that make it a super powerful practice. 

Depending on the yoga class you go to it might include chanting, music, intense breath work, sound bowls and other instruments. Each of these modalities is trying to help bring you into the present moment. Be open to different mindfulness modalities!

7. First yoga class for free

If you are trying yoga for the very first time, there are plenty of ways to find a free beginner yoga class.

If you would rather have the guidance of a yoga teacher, a studio class will run you anywhere from $15-$30 per class.

Sometimes studios have first timers deals for a free first class or a reduced price class for the first week or so. Check out the link below to learn how to find affordable yoga classes! 

{RECOMMENDED POST: 5 Practical Tips For Finding Affordable Yoga Classes}

8. Sometimes hands on assistance is used

a yoga teacher in a beginner yoga class offering hands-on adjustments

In many yoga classes, the instructor will offer hands-on assistance. Sometimes this is done to correct your alignment and help you to reap all of the benefits of the pose and other times it is done to help you deepen into a pose and release even more. 

A great yoga teacher will start the class asking if anyone is uncomfortable with hands on assistance. Most of the time you will be in child’s pose and will be asked to raise your hand so no one can see your preference. 

At any point in class if you change your mind, you can always let the yoga instructor know your preference if they try to offer assistance. Don’t feel bad about it! They will be happy to respect your space and be glad that you are listening to your body.

In many yoga classes, the yoga teacher will end class in Savasana which is when you are lying on your back with your eyes closed. Sometimes the yoga teacher will come around and give you a relaxing head massage, stretch out your legs etc. They might offer you a cool towel for your eyes or spray essential oils over you. 

It is a little surprising if you aren’t used to it but each of these modalities are meant to deepen your relaxation. If that isn’t happening for any reason and you feel uncomfortable, speak up and find a way to close your practice in a way that is comfortable for you! 

9. Listen to your body but also your yoga teacher’s cues

a woman in a yoga pose for beginners which is a pigeon pose

Something I wish I had known when I first started going to yoga classes was that you don’t have to follow every single cue that the instructor offers. Of course it is important to be respectful and not start doing cart wheels in class but within reason you can alter the yoga class to fit your needs.

Everyone’s body is different, each day our body needs different things and no one outside of yourself can tell you what feels best in each present moment for your body. The yoga teacher is a guide but learning to tap into your own intuition or inner guidance will help you to feel your best on your mat and off!

Yoga is a practice of tuning in and strengthening our awareness but if you are hyper focused on what everyone else is doing around you and the headstand your yoga teacher is doing then it pulls you away from your own body’s cues.

Trust your yoga teacher and also trust yourself. 

10. Start with a free online class at home for your first yoga class

Online classes are an incredible place to start your yoga journey because many are free and you can do them from the comfort of your own home. 

Of course, I have to plug Sustain Life Journal Yoga classes on youtube. The one below is great for beginners!

10. Be kind to other yogis and respect the studio space

Many people come to yoga to find peace and as a part of their self care routine.

In order to honor the practice of yoga and everyone that showed up to make mindful time for themselves here are a few tips on being a compassionate yogi in a studio space: 

  • Silence your phone
  • Chat in the lobby
  • Respect other people’s space (don’t step on other peoples yoga mats) 
  • Don’t talk over teacher
  • Clean yoga mats/props that you used 
  • Be mindful of noise if you need to exit the space for the bathroom or if you have to leave class early during Savasana  
a man rolling his yoga mat at his first yoga class

{RECOMMENDED POST: 12 Practical Tips For a Consistent Yoga Practice}

Are you feeling confident and ready to check out your first yoga class? Do you have any questions about being a beginner Yogi that I missed on this list? Please let us know in the comments below and it can help others as they begin their yoga journey as well! 

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter if you would like sustainability and wellness tips sent directly to your inbox! 

Stay well, 


This post was all about the best tips for your first yoga class.

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a Pinterest pin with a bunch of yogis at the beach