Steal These Workout Motivation Tips For When You Don’t Feel Like Working Out 

a person laying in a hammock outside

There are many reasons we can feel like not working out and can need some workout motivation tips to keep us on track. From not feeling like we have enough time to barriers like expensive workout classes making us feel like it is a bit out of reach. It is a complicated topic and I won’t pretend to have all of the answers. 

I am not a doctor nor a motivational speaker but I do have experience working out consistently and truly finding joy in my movement practice. 

My hope is that you can steal some of these tried and true workout motivation tips and implement them into your own life in order to build a consistent movement routine to improve your overall wellbeing. In turn this will help you to show up as your best self for your loved ones and community! 

This post is all about workout motivation tips for when you don’t feel like it.

a woman doing a at home workout

The Best Workout Motivation Tips For Beginners

1. Learn how to listen to your body’s intuitive cues

This is probably the most important tip on this list! 

We have all been there where we are tired but mostly feeling a bit lazy (no judgment!). Maybe it is raining outside or you’re out of clean workout outfits and the thought of driving to the gym sounds like the worst idea ever. But you know deep down you should make the effort to go to the gym. 

There is a difference between not feeling like it and truly being exhausted/burnt out etc and sometimes it can be difficult to tell which is which. 

At moments like this I like to ask myself, how will I feel after this workout? If the answer is I will feel energized, ready to start my day, proud of myself then I lace up my shoes and head out the door. If the answer to that question is I will feel even worst and agitated that I didn’t honor my needs to relax then I’ll hop in some cozy clothes and choose a different self care practice.  

Sometimes it can take some time and experience to know the difference between your individual bodies needs. Hiring a coach or personal trainer is also a great option because that is their expertise! 

But all in all you know yourself best and you will figure out your movement needs from trial and error.  

2. Have varying goals for your fitness routine

two women working out together and being each others workout motivation

We all want to look good and there is nothing wrong with that! Of course there can be downsides if it is taken too far and personally I think one of those downsides is losing motivation to workout. 

If your one and only motivation to workout is just so you will look a certain way, you may begin to feel disappointed. Our bodies change depending on many factors. Some phases of life we can’t dedicate the time to go to the gym 5 days per week and have the “perfect” physics/fisiq whatever that means. 

So a great alternative to a consistent workout routine is to brainstorm other benefits to workout out such as: 

  • To maintain your mental health 
  • To make new friends, find community and make accountability partners 
  • To have a hobby (life can’t be all about work!) 
  • To get fresh air and sunshine on a daily basis if you workout outside 
  • Build self disciple which can help in other areas of your life 

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3. Find cute workout outfits you feel confident in

It’s hard to match the feeling of wearing a cute workout outfit you feel confident in and crushing a workout. 

This tip may feel a bit superficial but spend some time being intentional with what you wear to workout in. This is in no way saying you need to spend tons of money on brand new workout sets but this is also giving you permission to part ways with your worn out shirt you got in high school and buy something you feel good in! 

4. Strengthen your self discipline with mind over body motivation

a water bottle, weights, yoga block and yoga mat for someone's workout

So you made it to your workout class but mid workout you’re just not feeling it. Now what? Pack up and bail, at least you made it 20 minutes or power through and stick it out. You probably already know what my answer is. 

I was in a workout class one time when the instructor motivated us by saying your mind normally gives up before your body ever does. Which is so true! 

Our mind starts to tell us stories like “I can’t do this. It’s too hard. I’m over this. Everyone else is still going but I can’t”

In these moments I try to give myself gentle motivation and tell myself that I can do just one more rep, or that i’ve been through more difficult things than an hour long workout class or just keep moving you can choose a small weight but just keep your body in motion. 

Of course, if you are working out and you feel a sharp pain, feel like you are going to throw up or pass out etc. then yes, please stop, get water or fresh air. Take good care of yourself at all times even as you push yourself to reach your goals! As mentioned previously, it takes time, practice, honesty and self reflection to know when to pause and keep going. 

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5. Find healthy rewards for reaching your goals

Is it bribing or motivation? Who knows. But I can’t tell you how many times I have been in a workout class and told myself you xyz if you finish this class. It helps! Do I feel like a kid? Kind of but whatever works.

Here are some helpful workout motivation rewards you can steal: 

  • At home spa day 
  • Visit favorite restaurant 
  • Purchase something (like a new workout outfit!) 
  • Whatever uniquely feels like a reward to you, everyone is different (: 

*This tip may not be great to do all the time because you could go broke but it is a fun option. Also in this category could be making some kind of sticker calender to track your workouts and then getting a reward at the end of the week or month! 

self care items to help motivate you to workout

6. Find a small mantra that is unique to you and your goals

Ok so guilt tripping yourself is a joke, mostly. Be kind to yourself. But I can say that once I found this little mantra and kept reminding myself of it I stayed super consistent. My little mantra is “You promised yourself that you would take good care of yourself” or some variation of that. But having the reminder of “you promised” makes me roll my eyes at myself but in a good way. 

When you don’t feel like workout out just remember that you decided to start taking good care of yourself for all of the amazing benefits that exercise brings. 

Another subcategory of this this is to write a list of your “whys” for working out. Here are some examples: 

  • To live a healthy lifestyle
  • To keep up with your kids
  • To look and feel good, to feel confident 
  • To have a healthy distraction from lifes ups and downs 

7. Opt for online workout classes you can do from home

The barrier to entry is minimal since all you have to do is click some buttons for tons of free workout classes on Youtube! If you prefer a more organized platform where there is a library of classes and potentially coaches that is always an option too. But if you are new to working out or struggling to find motivation I think the free classes on Youtube are perfect

Of course I have to do a plug forSustain Life Journal Yoga (: There are tons of gentle yoga classes that can help you with staying present and strengthening your mind which is a big part of motivation. For full transparency, you may not break a sweat from these classes but there are a good way to get you up and moving and your mind focused and ready to reach your goals! 

What do you do to extend the life of your clothes? Let us know in the comments below! I would love to learn from you as well. 

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter if you would like sustainability and wellness tips sent directly to your inbox!

Stay well, 


This post was all about how to motivate yourself to workout when you don’t feel like it. 

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  1. I really enjoyed reading this insightful blog post about workout motivation for older adults. Staying active and healthy is crucial as we age, and it’s great to see practical tips like setting realistic goals and finding enjoyable activities. I also wanted to mention Momentra that can be a game-changer for older adults looking to maintain an active lifestyle. It offers personalized exercise routines, tracks progress, and provides motivational support, making it easier for seniors to stay motivated and committed to their fitness goals. Momentra is a valuable resource that aligns perfectly with the advice given in this blog, helping older adults lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.

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