8 Empowering Quotes on Self Control and Discipline To Reach Your Goals

In order to reach our goals we have to find ways to channel our inner discipline and practice self control. One of the most loving things we can do for ourselves is to take care of our wellbeing and work towards being the best versions of ourselves. 

We won’t always feel like putting in the work but if we make the decision to show up for ourselves, self control and discipline will keep us on track. 

I hope the quotes in this post motivate you to trust in your power and to keep working towards your goals!

This post is all about quotes on self control and discipline.

How to cultivate self control and self discipline

  1. Be clear about what your goals are. If you feel like you have a good picture of what your goals are, go one step further to be even more detailed. 
  2. Make a plan of action to achieve your goals. If you think your plan is detailed, go even more in detail about the exact steps and routine you will follow to reach your goals. 
  3. Get ready to be uncomfortable. Nothing worth having came easy. 
  4. Limit distractions. Assess what is holding you back and ensure that your daily habits align with who you want to become.
  5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Although self discipline and self control include the world self, don’t be afraid to ask for support as you work towards your goals. 
  6. Stick to your plan but learn to pivot when needed. There are going to be speed bumps and you will learn new things as you go. It’s better to take a break or pivot than to give up completely. 
  7. Every day will be different so don’t be too hard on yourself if one day is not as productive as others.
  8. Consistency is more important than perfection. This is similar to the tip above but just keep going. Even a few steps in the right direction is better than none.
A desk where people do hard work

Why do I lack self-discipline?

The answer to this can be incredibly complicated and will take self-discovery and self-reflection to find it.

The most general reason you may lack self-discipline is because change is uncomfortable.

Not just for you, but for everyone. Self-discipline is a skill just like any other and the more you practice it, the more it will improve. Don’t be too hard on yourself and assume there is something wrong with you. It is a normal part of the human condition. It just takes some strategy and patience to improve your self discipline and self control. 

Again, this topic is layered and complicated. If you are struggling with your mental health talk with your doctor or therapist to get the help you deserve. 

The Best Quotes on Self Control and Discipline

1. “The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine” – Mike Murdock

daily routine and habits quote

2. “Discipline is the greatest act of self-care and self-love that you can show yourself” – Unknown

self care quote

3. “Through discipline comes freedom”-Aristotle

discipline quote

 4. “Discipline is the strongest form of self love” -Rosey Homemaker

a quote about self love

5. “Doubting yourself is normal. Letting it stop you is a choice.” -Mel Robbins

self control quote

6. “Success is the product of daily habits” -James Clear

quotes about healthy habits

7. “Nothing changes if nothing changes” -Donna Barnes

self control quote

8. “Trust the seeds you are planting” -Unknown

quote about trust

Do you have any favorite quotes about self control and self discipline? If you do, drop them in the comments below! I love collecting motivating quotes. 

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Stay well, 


This post was all about the best quotes on self control and self discipline.

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a hardworking woman with pens and notebooks to reach her goals

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