Your Ultimate Guide to Juicing on a Budget for Beginners

a watermelon homemade juice

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Yes, juicing can be expensive. I’m not going to lie. But! There are budget friendly recipes and methods!

If you are new to juicing, the 9 tips included in this post will help you achieve your health goals without breaking the bank.

When I first started juicing I quickly realized how expensive it could be! These are my tried and tested methods for making fresh juice a part of my weekly routine and I hope they help you to do that too!  

a homemade green juice

Quick Guide to Juicing on a Budget

1. Skip the juicing detox/juice cleanse and make less juice

Even one juice per week is great for our bodies. The point of juicing for health is to get a rush of nutrients to our system and a little bit goes a long way. 

Don’t fret over not having a 32oz green juice every day or embarking on a juice detox. The habit of buying fresh produce and juicing (even once per week!) will benefit you and even set the stage for other healthy habits to form. 

2. Use in-season fruits and veggies 

The best budget friendly juicing recipe will always be the one that includes produce that is grown locally and in season rather than food that is flown from far away. 

If you live in a colder climate it will be more expensive to get tropical fruits like mangos, pineapples etc. but get creative with what is in your area. Foraging for food is getting more attention lately so maybe even try exploring that option. (just do your research before trying new foods!)

3. Make simple juices

There are so many beautiful juice recipes out there but the best juice recipe is the simple one. 

This drastically reduces costs. 

I’m sure you have heard of people juicing celery. It has gotten very popular and the only ingredient is, well, celery. Of course, it is great to diversify our foods but there’s nothing wrong with a simple juice recipe. 

Here are a few simple juice recipes to get you started: 

  • Celery
  • Orange
  • Guava
  • Apple+carrot 
  • Watermelon+lime 

The best juicing on a budget recipe:

  • celery
  • ginger
  • lemon
  • kale or spinach
  • cucumber
  • green apple
simple fresh juices made with fruit and vegetables

4. Buy in bulk to stay in budget

If you want to make multiple juices for the week or include your family and friends with juicing, buying in bulk can be a great option. Some farmers will reduce the price since you are buying so much at once.

 Of course, it is best to shop local but if that is out of your juicing budget you can go to Costco or go with a friend to Costco! 

5. Reuse jars to store juice 

I love saving jars and repurposing them to store juice. If you need extra jars you can always thrift some! Juice is best stored in an airtight container

6. Wait to invest in a juicing machine and use a blender instead 

Some juicers can cost over $1,000! The most affordable method to make juice is to use a blender. I have a detailed guide explaining how to make juice with a blender here

7. Stick to citrus fruits and use a simple inexpensive juicer 

An even more affordable juicing option is to use a citrus juicer or a lemon squeezer. They are generally pretty affordable and I have seen a bunch at the thrift store. Or, check out this stainless steel juicer with silicone handles!

This is probably the best inexpensive juicer on the market! And you can never go wrong with a cold glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. (add some turmeric for added benefits!) 

an orange on a tree that will be used for a fresh pressed juice

8. Skip the juicing places near you and make it at home

The convenience of grabbing bottled juice at the store or stopping by your local juice bar is so nice. But if you are trying to stay on budget you may want to stick to homemade juices. I like to prep juice a day or so in advance so I can grab and go from my fridge. 

9. Properly store your produce to prevent food waste

You found all the best produce so make sure to put it to good use! If possible, go ahead and wash and juice the day you buy your produce. This minimizes the possibility of procrastination or even forgetting you bought juice supplies. 

{RELATED POST: 5 Food Storage Tips To Reduce Food Waste in Your Home}

10. Know what produce juices the best

Wasting food means wasting money. Some fruits and vegetables just do not go well with juicing. By sticking to what juices well, you can save money.

Add these items below to your grocery list!

Produce that juices well and has high juice yields: 

  • citurs fruits
  • leafy greens
  • beets & beet greens
  • carrot
  • apple
  • ginger
  • pineapple
  • celery
  • cucumber

Some other things that enhance your fruit juice/vegetable juice are herbs like mint, parsley, and basil. These add extra nutrients and can easily be grown at home to save money. 

Don’t throw out things like kale ribs or parsley stems! Those can be juiced and add more volume and nutrients to your juice. 

Some produce that doesn’t juice well and doesn’t make much juice:

  • Papayas
  • Bananas 
  • Grapes
  • Pears 
  • Peaches 
  • Sweet potatoes
  • romain lettuce
a person cutting up produce for a homemade juice

11. Use the leftover pulp

After you head to the grocery store, find all the best organic produce and make your fresh juice, do you really want to throw it all out?

Probably not!

Instead here are a few creative ways to use your juice pulp and make the most of your purchase

  • freeze the juice pulp and use it in smoothies
  • compost it to nourish your garden
  • use it in other recipes like muffins or bread

12. If you make a lot of juice, freeze it!

In order for your juice to have a longer shelf life, go ahead and throw it in the freezer. It will last in the fridge for a couple of days but last even longer in the freezer. This is a great idea if you make plenty of juice and want to spread out how often you drink it. Drinking a fresh pressed juice every day can be expensive but spreading it out of course makes it cheaper. 

13.  Grow your own fruits and vegetables 

a woman growing kale for her homemade juices

Saving the best for last! This tip will take some time and dedication. If you have a green thumb or are willing to learn about gardening you can create very local (ha!) and affordable juice straight from your backyard.

 After you purchase your seeds or seedlings you are set!

Here are a few ideas to get you started: 

  • Kale
  • Herbs (cilantro, parsley, mint etc.) 
  • Celery 
  • Watermelon 
  • Fruit trees 

14. Discounted juice

In some cases juicing on a budget does mean buying juice at the grocery store, juice bar, health foods store or local farmer’s market.

Hear me out! This is rare but it does happen.

At the end of the day, fresh juices can’t last forever. If places make bottles juices they will sometimes slash the price by a lot so that the juice doesn’t go to waste.

If you find yourself at a store that sells bottled fresh pressed juices, keep an eye out for these rare but exciting opportunities to get juice for cheaper!

15. Reprioritize other things in your budget

Living a healthy lifestyle is all about priorities right?

It can be helpful to take some time to journal or talk with a friend about your goals and if your budget is truly aligned with your goals.

If you comb through your budget and realize the majority of your money is going to eating out, clothes and entertainment then you may want to alter things a bit to reflect your goals.

Of course, this topic is nuanced and being on a tight budget can be for many reasons. But if you find yourself annoyed with your grocery budget, consider if cutting back on other areas could make juicing a possibility for you.

a person holding a green juice living their healthy lifestyle

16. Juice as a meal replacement or supplement

Some people drink juice as their main meal which of course saves money. Others juice fresh juices to break their fast from intermittent fasting. 

Another option is to swap out your normal side for a small fresh juice! 

I am not a doctor or a nutritionist so you may want to check with your specific health provider before doing that. Everyone’s body is different, some people are more active than others etc. Be sure to nourish your body and mind and do what works best for you! 

Benefits of Juicing

  • simple way to increase the amount of whole foods you consume
  • fantastic way to increase water intake
  • supports local farmers since you’re buying extra produce
  • having more nutrient dense meals is a part of a healthier lifestyle and can inspire you to make other healthy choices

{RELATED POST: 4 Surprising Foods You Can Regrow From Kitchen Scraps}

The best and most budget friendly juicing recipes and methods are the ones that you can maintain long term. Hopefully, you can choose a couple of these tips as you build a new habit and start to add more raw produce to your life! Juicing can definitely be expensive but there are ways to save money if you prepare and get creative!

Do you have any tips on how to save money when juicing while juicing on a budget? I would love to hear them in the comments below! 

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter to get wellness and sustainability tips sent to you! 

Stay well, 


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juicing tips for beginners