7 Surprisingly Simple Tips For Choosing the Best Eco Friendly Dorm Decor 

a college student unpacking her dorm essentials

Are you trying to figure out how to make your dorm look cute but also incorporate eco friendly dorm decor? Get the dorm aesthetic you want to achieve while making a minimal impact on the planet with these simple and realistic tips! 

After you curate all the best Pinterest boards for dorm decor use this list as a checklist to replicate the dorm rooms you adore but make the process a bit kinder to the earth. 

Trust me, I totally get how exciting it can be to make your dorm have the perfect balance of personal style, fit in your budget, and being eco-friendly.

These are the exact steps I took to find the best eco friendly dorm decor when I was in college so I hope it can help you do the same! 

How to find eco friendly college dorm decor?

Secondhand items and DIY will be your best friend for finding eco friendly dorm decor.

Of course, there are ethically and sustainably made dorm decor products but it doesn’t feel realistic to advise the average college student to deck out their dorm with those decor items.

If you have the means I encourage you to check out places like Made Trade and Parachute that make amazing sustainable home goods. But don’t stress yourself out, there will be a time and place later to get brand new eco friendly decor items.

Your best bet for college dorm decor that doesn’t harm the planet is to go for affordable options like buying second hand and the other tips on this list! 

*If more affordable eco friendly dorm decor brands pop up in the market we will be sure to update this post (: 

This post is all about the best eco friendly dorm decor ideas. 

a simple dorm aesthetic with a chair and plant with text that says eco friendly dorm decor tips

The Best Eco Friendly Dorm Decor Ideas 

1. Use what you have from home and reimagine it in your new space 

A super eco friendly dorm decor tip is to simply not buy things!

Of course, you don’t want to empty out your space at home but there is nothing wrong with bringing things from home to use in your dorm at college. You may actually feel comforted by that, especially if you are going to college far away from home. 

By reducing our consumption (or overconsumption!) we can lessen the negative impact we make on the earth. 

2. Minimal is best

a simple dorm aesthetic with a laptop, ipad, chair and mug on a desk

To be completely honest, I can relate to wanting your space to look good and feel comfortable but you won’t be spending a ton of time there (especially if you are a first-year student!).

There is so much going on, even for the most introverted students. From finding the best study spots to clubs and spending time with new friends, you most likely will not spend as much time in your dorm room as you did in your room at home. 

Because of this, don’t feel too much pressure to make your dorm room a replica of the “perfect” college dorm rooms you find on Pinterest.

I suggest keeping things minimal and functional (small space-yay!) but staying true to your style. Also, you may find decor throughout the year to add to your space, you don’t have to have it perfectly figured out in the fall. 

Most importantly, the less decor you stuff in your dorm room, the better for the planet. At the end of the school year college campuses have dumpsters full of unwanted stuff that goes directly to the landfill. If you are a maximalist, no judgment, but just be sure it’s mindful consumption

3. House Plants 

a bunch of house plants in a college dorm

Add some greenery to liven up your space! The best part is that when the house plants die or you move on the plants can be regifted or easily composted

Here is a list of great beginner houseplants for your college dorm: 

  • Kentia palm 
  • Aloe
  • Peace lily 
  • Snake plant 
  • Cactus plant 
  • Succulents 
  • Herbs you can add to meals (: 

4. Thrifted Decor 

a group of thrifted furniture that can be a great addition to an eco friendly dorm

You had to know this one was going to be on the list! If I were you, I would write up a list of all the items you need for your dorm and start stopping by the thrift store a few months before the school year to source your college essentials for your space

The thing with thrifting is that it all comes down to luck and timing. In order to find the best stuff you just have to increase your chances aka go more often. 

I truly believe you could decorate and find all the college essentials you need from the thrift store. 

Here are a few things to keep an eye out for when to start to check out the thrift stores: 

  • Furniture
  • School supplies
  • Back to school clothes
  • Storage/organizational boxes 
  • Kitchen items 
  • Unique decor (: 

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5. Leftover from last year or from friends and family 

two women walking down their dorm hallway carrying their dorm essentials.

You may be shocked to see just how much decor and dorm essentials are literally thrown in the trash after the school year ends.

There are many reasons for this. Sometimes international students just don’t have the space to bring things home, people over by or double by because of not checking with their roommate, people’s style changes, they are lazy and don’t bring it to charity, and many more reasons! 

But you can take advantage of this ordeal by stocking up and saving items for when you go back to school. 

Another option is being open to what family and friends may not want or need.

Lastly, many communities have free groups where they literally give stuff away for free. You can check on social media to find free groups in your area. 

6. Thrifted frames & print photos or prints 

two women making diy projects that are a great addition to sustainable dorm decor

You will be making tons of memories while in college and they don’t all need to live on social media.

It can be fun to decorate your space with fun memories so while you are studying away late into the night you have inspiration for more good times to come! 

There are always frames at the thrift store that you can find second hand and use them as is or have a crafts day and decorate them to match the theme of your dorm.

Pro tip: command strips will be your best friend to hang them up on your walls rather than cluttering up your desk.  

7. Etsy 

three hanging plants in macrame that can be found on etsy as eco friendly dorm decor

You may be surprised to see all of the amazing homemade decor items that can be found on Etsy!

Of course, not all of them will be eco friendly but for the most part, they will be ethically made since individual artists produce them rather than companies relying on huge factories and exploited workers to create items. 

If the artists don’t have their sustainable practices listed on their Etsy shop you could message them and ask specific questions. 

8. Local farmers’ market to find local makers/artisans 

If you want new dorm decor, checking out your local farmer’s market may be a great alternative. You can talk with the artists and see how they made their products and sourced their materials. 

For full transparency, this tip may not be the most affordable since you are paying an individual artist or maker. But it could be a great option to find a special piece made locally. You never know what you will find! 

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9. Tapestries

Tapestries are the classic college dorm decor element and for good reason. They take up a lot of wall space, are affordable and you can DIY them with a bit of creativity. 

Maybe you have an old bed sheet you can tie dye or paint on? You could draw little picture frames and add Polaroids of you and your friends. The possibilities are endless! 

The best part is that they don’t leave dents in your walls and you can keep them as a memento rather than tossing it in the landfill at the end of the school year. 

Do you have any other tips for eco friendly dorm decor ideas? Let us know in the comments below! I would love to learn from you as well. 

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Stay well, 


This post was all about top tips for eco friendly dorm design ideas. 

Other posts you may like: 

10 Must Have Sustainable Dorm Essentials For Your College Dorm or Apartment

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