7 Shockingly Simple Non Aesthetic Eco friendly Tips To Be Kind To The Planet and Your Wallet 

jeans and sewing needle to repair clothes

A while ago I posted a video on Pinterest showing some tips I had for non aesthetic eco friendly tips. It was well received and I think I know why.

I love that sustainability is becoming more of a trend, especially with younger generations. We need all hands on deck in our fight against climate change. But sometimes the lines start to blur between a lifestyle that encourages kinder choices towards the earth with a fashion fad or aesthetic.

It is not necessarily a bad thing to have more natural colors, minimalist products etc. to become popular, except when it turns to overconsumption or people not participating in the sustainable living lifestyle since their version may not “look” like everyone else’s.

This post is not meant to judge anyone’s aesthetic choices but to encourage those that want to live more sustainably to do so, regardless of what it looks like! 

This post is all about the best non aesthetic eco friendly tips. 

a creek with text that says non aesthetic eco friendly tips

The Best Non Aesthetic Eco friendly Tips. 

1. Reuse jars and bottles rather than buying new organizational boxes

If you open up basically any social media account you are bound to see profiles with rows and rows of clear boxes and jars beautifully displaying dried food goods, backup supplies, beauty products etc.

For the type A people out there it is quite a relief to see everything in tidy boxes and have everything matching. I can relate! But at the end of the day, do we really need to take things out of boxes and put them in a new one just for looks?

Could we save jars from pasta sauce or peanut butter and bring that to the zero waste grocery store instead? Yes! It is also much more cost effective to reuse items. 

But the big disclaimer is you do you! If having your pantry or bathroom organized with matching containers brings you joy or helps keep you calm then keep doing it!

But if you are doing it simply to keep up with fads, reconsider it and no shame for the reuse option! 

2. Mend clothing or save it for outdoor work

jeans and sewing needle to mend clothes at home for low waste living

Were you lucky enough to take home ec in school? If not, there are plenty of tutorials online that can show you exactly how to do simple repairs on your clothing

Instead of throwing out your clothes when they have a small tear or sneakily dropping them off at the thrift store, consider patching them up and wearing them until they truly give out. 

If you are 100% not interested in mending your clothes yourself, you can drop them off with someone who can, either a friend or from a small business

Lastly, making a drawer designated for clothes that are only worn for outdoor work/painting/cleaning is a great way to keep clothes out of the landfill and give them a second life! 

If you need to sell used clothes online or purchased gently used clothes, check out the post below!

{RECOMMENDED POST: 10 Popular Places You Can Thrift Clothes Online}

3. Use thick curtains to save energy

Thick, light blocking shades are not always the most beautiful but they can save you a ton of money on your electric bill which will in turn help reduce emissions

We don’t have an amazing recommendation for eco friendly light blocking curtains right now but they can definitely be found at the thrift store

4. Use what you have instead of buying into trends

a bunch of jars for zero waste living

This one can be really difficult if you are passionate about fashion/design and creating a unique personal style is important to you. Just be mindful.

The aesthetic of being zero waste/eco friendly is mostly earthy toned products that are simple and minimalistic etc.

Your bright pink suitcase from highschool may not fit into that aesthetic but it is more sustainable to use that one rather than buying a brand new suitcase.

Of course there is nuance to this topic but there is no getting around the fact that using what you already have is the more sustainable option (most times) and will generally save you money!

5. Buy used cars or fix your car over buying new

If you are living in most parts of America, a car is generally a must have. Of course public transportation or ride shares are great for the planet but that is not always an option for everyone. 

If you are in the market for a new car, buy used! No it is not the most aesthetic version but it is much better to use what is already on the planet rather than producing more.

Of course there are many factors that go into buying a car and do your research but before assuming you have to buy a new car since that is what everyone is doing, just a gentle reminder that buying used is perfectly fine too! 

{RECOMMENDED POST: 10 Top Easy Tips For Sustainable Urban Living}

6. Be an outfit repeater

a man with his thrifted wardrobe

Washers and dryers exist for a reason. I’m not exactly sure where the shame surrounding being an outfit repeater started but it is kind of ridiculous. I really can’t think of a good reason to feel bad about rewearing outfits. Maybe on social media people will judge you for wearing the same outfit again and again but in the real world literally no one cares. (or will notice!) 

Rewearing outfits, having a capsule wardrobe, buying clothes that fit into your personal style and investing in quality clothes are all great ways to cut down on the amount of consumption your clothing wardrobe takes. 

Many clothing brands are incredibly unethical with how they pay and treat their workers, use fabrics/manufacturing processes that are not kind to the earth and more. 

Thrifting or buying sustainably made quality clothing (to rewear for years to come!) may not land you in any fashion magazines but it is the kindest choice for the planet and your budget!

7. Save things that can be repurposed

egg cartons and soil for eco friendly living

This tip is not advising you to stockpile items and overwhelm yourself with random items. You can do this tip in an efficient and organized way. 

But thinking of “how can this be reused?” before throwing items out can make a big difference, especially with a bit of creativity! 

Here are a few ideas to help get you started! 

  • Twist ties from fresh vegetables= tie up frozen bags of veggies/fruit
  • Plastic bottles= fill up at zero waste store 
  • Egg cartons= seed starters 
  • Ziploc bags= wash and reuse 

What other things do you do to give new life to items people generally throw away? Please let us know in the comments below!

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter if you would like sustainability and wellness tips sent directly to your inbox! 

Stay well, 


This post was all about non aesthetic tips for sustainable living.

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a plastic bottle sitting in the ocean as plastic waste

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