11 Best Eco Friendly Stocking Stuffers for Kids (Last Minute Ideas!) 

eco friendly Christmas decorations including stockings, christmas trees and fire place

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These eco friendly stocking stuffer ideas come straight from Santas workshop! Santa is also concerned about climate change so ensuring sustainable gifts are in your kids stockings is his priority too! 

Use this list to assist him with finding the best eco friendly stocking stuffers that your kids will adore rather than adding extra clutter to your home. The most sustainable gift we can give someone is something they truly love and will get a lot of use out of! 

It is also helpful to broaden our ideas about what a holiday gift can be. Does it have to be something found under the tree or in our stockings or could it also be found within shared time with our family members? This list hits on the idea that gifts can be more than something wrapped in a bow!

By the end of this list you will have a full set of ideas for sustainable stocking stuffers to choose from!  

This post is all about the best eco friendly stocking stuffer ideas

twinkly Christmas lights that are faded

The Best Eco Friendly Stocking Stuffers For Kids

1. Thrifted Toys and Vintage Finds

This is a great first stop for finding amazing (more traditional!), sustainable stocking stuffers, for kids! 

There are tons and tons of bins of lightly used small toys for your little one to enjoy. Instead of going out and buying brand new plastic items, consider secondhand first. 

Unless it is a specific character that your child has their heart set on, you can find a bunch of toys at the thrift store! 

2. Ethical Candy

Holiday candy can unfortunately be filled with random ingredients and wrapping that is not so great for your own health or the earth. 

Consider checking out these more ethically made candy options for stocking fillers this year. 

3. Homemade Baked Goods 

These might be tricky to make discreetly in order to slip into your little one’s stocking.

If you don’t have a way to make homemade goodies without the delicious scent giving you away, consider checking out your farmer’s market and supporting a local home baker that makes yummy holiday treats! 

{RELATED POST: 7 Impactful Ideas For a Sustainable Christmas Season}

4. A “Ticket” To Something Fun They Would Enjoy

Get a bit creative by making a ticket for an activity your kiddo enjoys! Not only does this stocking stuffer idea minimize waste, it also teaches your kids about diferent types of gifts like shared time together.

Here are some ideas to get you started: 

  • Bowling 
  • A trip/vacation somewhere 
  • Movie ticket
  • Trip to their favorite restaurant 

5. Homemade Gift

Homemade play dough that can be created a sustainable Christmas gift

This one may not count as a last minute gift but if you do have the time to create a homemade gift it can be a fun way to include a personalized gift for your little one! 

Here are some ideas to get you started: 

  • Homemade playdough or slime 
  • Knitted hat, socks etc. 
  • Decor for their room 

6. Store Bought Ethically Made Gifts

More and more companies are making toys from recycled plastic which is a great way to find more traditional gifts like trucks and dolls that are also eco friendly! 

Try to prioritize gifts that are made with recycled materials or that are made from natural products like wood.

{RELATED POST: 7 Amazing Sustainable Christmas Tree Ideas For Your Eco-Friendly Christmas Season}

7. Fun Self Care Gift

Kids love self care items too!

Why not treat your kid to a fun rainbow bath soap or a tasty lip balm. Package Free and Earth Hero have a great selection of sustainably made self care items.

8. Art supplies

I consider art supplies an eco friendly gift idea because kids will get a TON of use out of them. 

There are more eco friendly art supplies you can purchase or honestly a lot of thrift stores have lots of art supplies too! 

9. Books 

Two black children reading books

Books are a great sustainable gift because they can be used many times it is easy to regift them once your kids get older! 

I love finding books at the thrift store or local bookshops.

Amazon even has used books that you can get delivered right to your home! 

10. Small Ethically Made Notebook 

Having a little notebook to add their favorite drawings in can be so fun.

We actually wrote a post about the best sustainable notebooks that you can check out here: 

11. Gift card so they can choose what they want and will use!

The most sustainable holiday gift you can give someone is something that they will get a ton of use out of and will hopefully never end up in the landfill! 

That is why gifting your little one a gift card to their favorite store or restaurant is a great way for them to choose what they actually want!

Kids love having the independence of shopping with their “own” money and it also allows them to wait until they find something they truly love.  

What other small gifts are you thinking of filling your kid’s stocking with? If we missed any good ideas please let us know in the comments below and it can help others as they try to figure out what to add to their kid’s stockings!

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter if you would like sustainability and wellness tips sent directly to your inbox! 

Stay well, 


This post was all about the best sustainable stocking stuffer ideas for kids.

Other posts you may like: 

6 Easy Tips To Go Vegan On A Budget | Sustainable Frugal Living Hacks

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