Best Hip Opening Yoga Poses Every Beginner Should Try
This post is all about hip opening yoga poses to release tension in your hips.
If you spend a lot of your day seated because of work, scrolling, or driving you will absolutely love these hip-opening yoga poses!
Tight hips can make day-to-day living challenging, and well, uncomfortable. But spending even just 20 minutes of your day stretching and strengthening your hips can bring relief that your body (and mind!) will really appreciate.
Everyone’s body is different as well. Some people just naturally have tight hips (like me!). Even if your goal isn’t to get into the splits, trying out these yoga poses can really help you to feel more at ease in your body on your mat and off your mat!

Hip opening yoga sequence video
Before we dive into the tips and visuals I wanted to share this free yoga video that covers all of the yoga poses you’ll find in this post.
We all learn differently. If you prefer a guided yoga flow rather than reading about it, check out the yoga video below!
Best Hip Opening Yoga Poses
1. Child’s pose (Balasana)

Before we get into the deeper hip stretches, start with a simple child’s pose. Draw your feet together and separate your knees out wide to the edges of your mat. Extend your arms out in front of you and gently rest your forehead on your mat.
Close your eyes if that feels comfortable for you. You can rest your head on your hands (bend at your elbows) or on a block. Or a pillow! You can also place a pillow underneath your hips.
Begin to focus on your breath and try to ignore any thoughts that pop into your head as you flow through this yoga class. You can notice the thoughts but don’t grasp onto them.
2. Wide legged upward facing dog

Begin to press up onto your hands and allow your hips to fall towards the earth. You can slightly gaze up towards the sky.
The closer your hips are to the mat, the deeper the intensity of the pose will be. If it is too intense you can press into your hands and lift your hips up.
Keep your knees separated to feel the stretch more in your hips.
3. Circular table top

Start in a table top pose, stacking your hips over your knees and your shoulders over your wrists.
Start to shift your body over to your right shoulder and then down towards your right heel. Then shift your hips over to your left heel and then up towards your left wrist.
Continue this circular motion and then reverse your body and go the other way! Feel free to pause in any portion of this pose. There’s no rush!
4. Hip rotations in three-legged dog (Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Start in a downward-facing dog pose. Draw your upper body towards your legs and allow your left heel to fall towards the earth.
Lift your right foot up behind you towards the sky. Bend at your knee to open up your hip. Begin to draw circles with your knee. Then change the direction of your circle.
If it is too challenging to hold yourself on your hands you can lower down to table top position and continue the knee rotations.
If your wrists are hurting you can lower your elbows onto your mat and do the rotations that way! You will still get the same benefits of stretching your hips.
*Don’t forget to do the other side!
{RECOMMENDED POST: The Best Beginner Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain and Hips}
5. Lizard pose (Utthan Pristhasana) with hip opener

Extend your left leg back behind you and bring your hands to the top of your mat. Step your right foot to the top of the mat.
Plant your left hand on the earth and place your right hand on your inner right knee. Gently press your knee away from you as the sole of your right foot rises off your mat. The more you push your hand into your knee the deeper the hip stretch will be.
To modify this pose you can lift your hips away from the earth. Only go to the depth that is comfortable in your body.
*Don’t forget to do the other side!
6. Side lunge (Skandasana)

Start in a wide-legged forward fold. Just that pose is a wonderful hip stretch to hang out in for a while!
Begin to drop your hips down towards your right heel. Bend your right knee. Keep your left leg extended and point your toes towards the sky.
The heel under your bottom doesn’t need to touch the ground. If you have really tight hips you probably won’t be able to lower your heel down (that’s coming from experience haha).
You also don’t need to lower your hips all the way down. You can keep your hips lifted and rest your hands on your bent knee for extra support.
You can also place a block in front of you for extra support which will take some pressure off of your legs and hips.
*Don’t forget to do the other side!
7. Pigeon pose (Kapotasana)

This is one of my favorite poses! Extend your right leg and point your toe towards the back of your mat. Bend at your left knee and bring your shin parallel to the top of your mat. Your shin doesn’t need to be completely parallel.
You can tuck your right foot in towards your hip if that’s more comfortable. You can stay pressed up on your hands or lower down onto your elbows.
Pillows or blocks are great for this pose if you want a bit of extra support! This is a more restorative pose so relax and enjoy this one!
{RECOMMENDED POST: 12 Practical Tips For a Consistent Yoga Practice}
8. Knee to chest (Apanasana)

Start by laying on your back and draw your knee in towards your chest. Rest here for a few breaths and then open up your knee to the side to feel the stretch in your inner thigh. It is kind of like a tree pose but on your back.
More hip openers to increase range of motion
- Butterfly pose
- Low lunge
- Happy baby
- Bridge pose
- Crescent moon
- Bound angle pose
- Cow face pose
- Standing figure four
I hope these poses help your hips to feel less tense! Even taking 20 minutes or so out of your day can help you to feel better in your body and mind.
Have any other questions about hip opening yoga poses? Let me know in the comments below! I’m happy to help!
Stay well,
This post was all about hip opening yoga poses.
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