How to Create a Peaceful Yoga Corner in Your Home 

a woman doing yoga in house while watching a yoga class on her laptop and on her yoga mat

Imagine a peaceful spot you can always go to when you want to gain a bit of clarity, feel grounded, or just rest, introducing the yoga corner in your home. This isn’t a new concept but I did want to showcase some things I found helpful for creating an intentional space in your home to practice yoga and meditation. 

To practice yoga at home you do not need a dedicated yoga room. Including some of the tips in this post to have a yoga corner or a bin you can take outside can help you to still feel like you have an intentional space to go to without completely renovating your space! 

Many of us don’t have room in our homes to do that and that is totally ok! 

This post will show you exactly how to create a mindful haven in your current home with things you probably already own! 

This post is all about the best tips for creating a yoga corner in your home.

A yoga corner in living room which includes a candle, diffuser and book

How to Make a Yoga Studio Space at Home 

1. Minimize distractions near your yoga corner 

To the best of your ability, I encourage you to minimize all distractions from your yoga corner. 

That means choosing a space in your home that is quiet and away from others (including pets!). This will allow you to focus solely on yourself for the time you have set aside. 

And it doesn’t make you selfish! You deserve to have a quiet and peaceful space where you can tune into your own needs. 

It can also be helpful to not bring any electronics in this space as well! Making sure your phone is turned off and the sound of the TV can’t reach you can help you to zone into yourself for even just an hour. 

Location ideas for a yoga corner in your home: 

  • Attic/basement
  • Guest bedroom 
  • A basket in the living room (use when roommates aren’t home)
  • Garage 
  • Backyard 
  • A corner of your bedroom 

2. Decorate your yoga corner in a way that makes you feel at ease. 

a senior woman doing yoga at home in her minimalist yoga space

So this is the fun part-decorating! The way your yoga room looks can help your body and mind to relax and make it feel like a more dedicated space for relaxation. 

Of course, this tip depends on whether you have a more mobile setup (like filling a basket up with your yoga props) or if you have a dedicated yoga room. 

Some things to consider are choosing calm paint colors or wallpaper, adding plants, meaningful photos or quotes etc. Really just find a way to make it appealing and calming. 

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3. Add a yoga mat/rug/towel for your yoga room 

a woman sitting in meditation on her yoga rug in her minimalist yoga room.

This one may seem obvious but make sure you have a yoga mat that you love and that works well for your needs. 

That being said, it is a misconception that you need to have a fancy yoga mat to practice yoga. 

If a yoga mat is out of your budget or you just don’t want to buy one then consider some of these options to practice yoga on: 

  • Small rug/carpet 
  • Blanket
  • Towel
  • If outdoors (sand/beach)

It doesn’t matter what you practice on as long as you feel comfortable and can safely flow without slipping! 

Don’t let not having a yoga mat stop you from practicing or creating a yoga corner that you love! 

4. Add scent (candles, essential oil diffuser etc.) to your yoga space 

Try to tap into all of your senses when creating a calming space in your home. 

Scent helps us to be more aware of what is happening in the present moment. 

Having a candle, essential oil diffuser, wax melts etc. is a great way to enhance your practice. Some scents like citrus can help you to feel more awake and others like lavender can help you to feel more calm. It can be fun to match the specific scent to your needs for each mindfulness session. 

5. Something to play music from 

a woman doing yoga in her room using yoga blocks

Some yogis enjoy music while practicing yoga and meditating while others prefer complete silence. 

This tip is a bit contradictory to the earlier tip on no electronics but if you want to have soothing background music playing then go for it! 

Again, tapping into your senses and helping to create a calming ambiance can enhance your practice! 

6. Journal for any feelings that may come up 

a healing space or relaxation room in someone's home. A warm drink and notebook for their self care practice.

I don’t know about you but sometimes when I am practicing yoga or meditation some heavy stuff can come up! 

In a studio class, it may be a little disruptive to have a full on journaling session mid-class but in your own yoga corner, you can do whatever you want

I suggest having a journal for any emotions or ideas that pop up during your flow from sadness to joy etc.! 

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7. Cleaning spray for mat 

I can be so guilty of this but make sure you are cleaning your space! Whether you have a sweaty yoga session or lots of tears are shed, it will make your space feel welcoming if it is always clean. 

A simple mixture of soap and water in a spray bottle with reusable towels is enough to keep in your yoga room and to ensure you always have something to cleanse your space so it is ready for the next session! 

8. Any props you need for your yoga and meditation practice 

a person in their yoga corner using yoga props in their home yoga practice

Aside from your yoga mat, be sure to have all your favorite yoga props with you as well!

Props can help you deepen your stretches, feel more supported, and make certain poses more accessible for you in your body. 

Here are some yoga props you can add to your yoga corner: 

  • Yoga block
  • Yoga strap
  • Meditation pillow 
  • Bolsters
  • Yoga wheel 

Don’t feel like you need to go and buy all of these yoga props (or anything on this list!) but they can be helpful to add to your yoga space as you find that you need them! 

What else will you be adding to your yoga room at home? Let us know in the comments below! It can help others as they try to design their own yoga corner in their home! 

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Stay well, 


This post was all about how to create a yoga corner in your home. 

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a woman sitting in her meditation room which is also a yoga room. She is dressed in yoga clothes and surrounded by a couch and pillows.

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