Exactly How to Create A Zero Waste Community Or Find One Near You

zero waste lifestyle

When I first went vegan and started trying to be zero waste I felt like I didn’t know anyone that was doing these things too. The journey started kind of lonely and I was doing a lot of trial and error as I sifted through how to balance creating minimal trash while also just living my normal  life. I struggled with creating new plant based recipes, figuring out what natural deodorants actually worked and how to have a compost bin in my house that didn’t smell! The transition would have been a heck of a lot easier if I had a zero waste community around me to figure things out with. Eventually it did come and it will for you too! 

This post covers all the ways you can find your own zero waste community or find ways to share your sustainability passions with the community that you already have. When I think of zero waste living I don’t just think of reducing the trash we create but all the different ways we can live more sustainably. This list will include how to find people just like you that are trying their best to be kinder to the planet! 

This post is all about how to find a zero waste community.

zero waste movement

How to Create a Zero Waste Community

1. Check Out Your Local Zero Waste Shop 

If you have a zero waste shop near you this should be the first place to stop by to find your zero waste community! If you are going in regularly to fill up your containers you will most likely get to know the people that work there and possibly other customers that are trying to live a low waste lifestyle too. 

Many zero waste stores are run by passionate people that are trying to educate their customers and the community through sustainability events. My local zero waste store has had some really awesome events including clothing swaps, beach clean ups, plastic art shows and more!

 Get on the email list of your local zero waste shop so that you know when cool events are coming up and you can go and meet more like minded people! 

{RELATED POST: 10 Reasons You Should Shop at a Zero Waste Store}

2. Find Sustainably Minded Friends Online 

Social media gets a lot of hate but it can be a really great place to find a zero waste community!

 I like to follow activists, nonprofits, brands, and just regular people that are advocating for the planet. It keeps me inspired to make similar choices in my daily life. 

I like following people that are positive and are focused on solutions. These are some of my favorite accounts to follow on social media: 

  • Shelbizleee 
  • Going Zero Waste 
  • Ellen Fisher 
  • Brightly  
  • Fully Raw Kristina 
  • Wear I Live 
  • Kristen Leo 
  • Shameless plug: following sustainlifejournal on Instagram, Pinterest, Tiktok & joining the email list! 

3. Volunteer 

zero waste community near me

I think this is the easiest tip on the list! I have made tons of friends that are interested in sustainability just by showing up to volunteer opportunities that are focused on taking care of the planet. 

Most communities have some sort of beach cleanup or park clean up. If that’s not really your thing check out gardening groups or nonprofits that focus on forest restoration. If you are vegan and an animal lover you can always volunteer at your local animal shelter or farm rescue. 

You are pretty much guaranteed to start to make a solid community of like minded people if you start volunteering for things you are passionate about! 

4. Bring up sustainability in conversation more-you never know who might be interested in it! 

You don’t always have to join a community garden or trash pick up to find like minded people. The more you learn about sustainability the more you will likely share about it and hopefully meet more people that are passionate about it too! 

  • Talking about a new zero waste product you are trying out 
  • Sharing good sustainability related news 
  • New projects you’re working on: composting at home, gardening, learning how to sew etc. 

{RELATED POST: Should Going Vegan be Everyone’s Goal? What About Being a Flexitarian or a Climatarian?}

5. Live a sustainable lifestyle and inspire others in your current circle 

Sometimes you just have to do your own thing and let others take notice and hopefully join in! If all else fails and you can’t seem to find a zero waste community you can always slowly transition your current community into a zero waste community. Kidding! But not. 

The truth is, more and more people are starting to get concerned about the state of the planet. I mean we all inhabit it and it’s dying so it’s definitely becoming more of a general concern. Because of this, you showing up to a potluck with a vegan dish will not be as shocking as maybe 10 or 15 years ago. Your friends and family might be curious to try a new dish and ask you how in the world you made the alfredo pasta so creamy without using any dairy! 

Here are a few sly ways to expand your sustainable ways throughout your friend group: 

  • Host clothing swaps 
  • Host a vegan dinner 
  • Lend items to friends or ask to borrow items instead of buying new 
  • Start a garden with your family 
  • Go on a trash walk with your friends and pick up trash while you chat 

Most importantly, keep making your sustainable choices and you never know who in your circle will be inspired, and start picking up some of your habits! 

Do you have a zero waste community or are you figuring things out solo? I would love to hear about your experience in the comments below and I am sure others in the community would too! 

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter if you would like sustainability and wellness tips sent directly to your inbox! 

Stay well, 


This post was all about creating a zero waste community. 

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  1. […] Making big lifestyle changes is SO much easier when you have a group to bounce ideas off of. Check out this post I did about finding ways to make friends that are interested in sustainability! […]

  2. […] Exactly How to Create A Zero Waste Community Or Find One Near You […]

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