How to Support Yourself When You Are Dealing With Eco Anxiety | 5 Simple Tips 

Has your eco anxiety been at an all time high lately? It is so disheartening seeing how quickly climate change is happening and it can feel pretty lousy not being able to stop it. If you have been looking for ways to cope with your eco anxiety you have come to the right place! 

Full disclaimer, I am not a therapist. I’m just a person, like you, that cares deeply about the environment and sometimes it leads to overthinking thus, eco anxiety. This post will include tips that have helped me to cope with my fears about climate change which keeps me feeling good enough to make positive changes where I can. 

By the end of this post you will be fully equipped with some new perspectives on your role in reversing climate change, some steps you can take in your daily life and ways to take care of your own well being in the process. 

This post is all about gentle tips for coping with eco anxiety.

eco anxiety help

How to Deal With Eco Anxiety

Too much blame on individuals

Personally, I believe there is way too much blame on individuals for the climate crisis. 

Of course, each of us make up society as a whole so we do need to make better choices for the environment. But when we look at the waste that major companies are producing or what the government allows, we have to realize that they are making a much bigger impact on the environment than us using a plastic straw. 

Don’t be too hard on yourself for not being a perfect zero waster or environmentalist. Remember to keep the big picture in view because there are people in positions of power that should be putting the environment first too!

Do what you can to help mitigate environmental harm

A small kale plant that grew from using compost from my kitchen.
Grow veggies at home!

So the flip side of not blaming yourself too much for environmental problems, is that there are small things that are in your control that you can do to help mitigate climate change. Even if skipping a plastic straw doesn’t save the world, it does send a message to politicians, companies and other people that we are not okay with the mass amount of waste being produced. 

We have already seen that as there has been a cultural shift towards sustainability, companies have felt pressured to change their practices to be more eco friendly because the market is demanding it. 

So all in all, don’t blame yourself for climate change but do what you can when you can. Where we choose to shop and what we support can make an impact

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Stay educated but don’t over do it

You may be surprised to see this tip on the list. It may seem a bit counterproductive. Should we really be inundating ourselves with more information if the information we already have is currently overwhelming us? 

The answer is yes, stay informed! But know your limits. Also, be mindful of where you are getting your information from and how they approach offering it. If you only learn about sustainability through the news then your viewpoint towards it will probably be doom and gloom. 

Instead if you are able to find positive environmentalists that are currently making a change then you will start to feel more optimistic

Keep your information coming from a diversity of sources (podcasts, books, documentaries) and check in with how you are feeling as you consume the content. 

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Spend time in nature

outdoor meditation

Another way to reframe our overwhelming thoughts is to use gratitude. This is in no way me trying to minimize your fears but just a nudge towards another perspective. It might sound like dark humor but we may as well enjoy the environment while we have it! 

Here are some ideas to get you started! 

  • Doing your favorite active outdoor hobby (hiking, surfing, gardening, yoga etc.)
  • Doing your favorite stationary outdoor hobby (painting, reading, drawing, talking on the phone etc.)
  • Solo picnic or with friends 
  • Meditate outside 
  • Birdwatch, forage, find rocks/shells for your collection 

Seek therapy if it gets too overwhelming

Sometimes all of the self care tips in the world are just not enough. And that’s okay! 

Prioritizing your mental health is important and if you are struggling and need some guidance don’t hesitate in reaching out to a therapist. 

How do you cope with eco anxiety?  I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below and hopefully it helps other readers as they are navigating their eco anxiety too! 

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter if you would like sustainability and wellness tips sent directly to your inbox! 

Stay well, 


This post was all about the best tips for coping with eco anxiety. 

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